Friday, January 8, 2010

Can i use regular hand soap to clean my guinea pig?

I wouldn't use soap on your piggy (using ordinary soap on your hair leaves a residue), better to use baby shampoo, the kind that doesn't sting the eyes. Soap would sting. Make sure you rinse it off well.Can i use regular hand soap to clean my guinea pig?
no, because it would remove the natural oils in the guinea pigs hair and possibly dry out the skin. that would be very uncomfortable for the guinea pig as well as being unsightly. use a cat/kitten shampoo or baby shampoo. the stuff they sell at pet stores is too expensive and isn't any different.Can i use regular hand soap to clean my guinea pig?
NEVER do that. it is bad for their skin. It will make it dry and itchy! will leave a grose filmy layer over your guinea pigs fur. It can cause skin irritation and if it gets their eyes can cause extreme damage. Never use regular soap. You need to get small animal shampoo from a pet store.

Yes it is very fine for you to do this. But at most local pet stores they have guinea pig soap. It works even better and is not harmful eaither.

I hope i helped,

no because it will irritate his/her skin. but you can buy Special shampoo at a pet store to clean him/her
it depends is the hand soap mild or strong?

It may dry out you're piggies Skin,if its too strong

pet store small animal specialized shampoo

is best,


Good luck!
of course u can, as long as u dont get the soap into the guinea pigs eyes,nose,mouth,or ears.
yes i have used that and even suave coconut shampoo and he did just fine.
no, hand soap is too strong for them. u need to go buy baby shampoo or guinea pig shampoo

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