Friday, January 8, 2010

How many germs does a normal bar of soap kill compared to hand sanitizer?

Just curious xDHow many germs does a normal bar of soap kill compared to hand sanitizer?
Hand sanitizer, which is usually at least 65% alcohol, kills 99% of germs. The alcohol instantly saps the bacteria of water, so they're unable to survive in that environment. Hand soap can vary depending on its contents and how thoroughly you wash your hands. Mostly, it just acts as a lubricant to get things off your skin (dirt, dead skin, etc) and cuts grease because it's made with a base chemical.How many germs does a normal bar of soap kill compared to hand sanitizer?
Normal soap thats not antibacterial soap doesnt even kill germs, it just makes them slide off. This can be better than antibacterial soap however because bacteria can adapt and survive it (unless all the alcohol does the killing). Hand sanitizer would be better with the alcohol
Bar soap doesn't get rid of germs, they are loaded with germs! So sanitizer kills way more then te bar soap. The reason why bar soap is loaded with germs is because say someone is going to wash their hands, right nd their hands are loaded with harmful germs and they touch the soap and then put it back then the next person goes to wash their hands and their coating their hands in the harmful germs the other person had on their hands and then adventually the person will get sick. GO SANITIZER! Hope this helped ^^!
  • nail polish

    1. none of this is true because in class we did an experiment with regular bar soap and hand sanitizer we use a blue light to see all the germs on our hand then one person used hand sanitizer and the other used bar soap the hand sanitizer person hand the same germs and bacteria just moved around but the bar soap person actually removed majority of the germs and bacteria off their hands

    2. i will start believing you as soon as you can spell and write properly... in the meantime all of your 'facts' are bull and bar soap does kill bacteria as does liquid soap.
