Saturday, December 26, 2009

Are dead cats used for hand soap?

A while ago i heard that people use dead cats for hand soap,idk how but yea,and since then i have been trying to find out if it is true or not.I seriously would like to know and no,this is not a joke..i really want to know.ThanksAre dead cats used for hand soap?
Completely untrue.Are dead cats used for hand soap?
No, dead cats are not used for hand soaps. The FDA would not approve of using any dead animal for health/beauty products.

I make my own homemade soaps and have never heard of cats being used, not even in past history of soap making. Tallow (beef), lard (pork), emu, deer, elk, bear, etc. fats and oils from animals and birds are used in making soaps, but not cat or dog.
Not in the context that you put it. Animal bones are used as a basis of some soaps after the bones being treated and added to the soap to give it texture. Animal bones (not just cats) are used for many things.
ummm no
no that sick were did you ever hear something like that.
No cats and dogs are not used for any type of hand soaps. But company's do use them and othe helpless animals to test their products on before it is sold to the public. also if you ever have a pet die on you or you have to pet them to sleep. please do one of ther following , have them cremated or take them home to Barrie in your yard. Why do this you might ask. well let me tell you why. all animals that have died or been found dead on the road,in shelters that do not get adopted and need to be put to death because of over population are sold to animal food company's to be ground up and put back into the pet food that they eat. yes animals are eating their family members. if you have a chance to look at the back of any animal food can or bag and it it states animal byproducts on it. You are feeding your pets diseased and dead ground up dogs,cats,mice,rats etc.....

sorry to grouse you out but it is fact.
i highly highly doubt it.

i dont know for fact but im preyyt sure thats illegal.

you could go to and ';ask jeeves';

I had my cat put to sleep this past Monday, bless his soul. We had to decide if we wanted his ashes or not, and I asked the vet oncologist what happens to the ashes if we don't want them. She said then our cat will be cremated together with all the other cats that die that day, then I asked where will the ashes be buried and she said she didn't know, and then she told me what someone who works at the cremation place told her, that some shampoo and soap places buy the ashes to use in their products. Since I look forward to seeing my kitty in his new God-given eternal body someday, it was gross to hear this but it didn't affect my decision.
That's down right disgusting. And I highly doubt it's true.
thats just a sick thought...i hope not
some hand soap made with rendered downers, humane society kills providing the fats base- so possible for a couple dead cats to get in mix of some of the cheaper brands of hand-soap. ingredients list that has 'animal byproducts' or 'rendered fat' could possibly have a bit of dead cat. As for jokes- the old French restaurant 'rabbit special ' box that 'MEOWS' is a classic.
lie, lard but not dead cats.

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