Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to wash your hands without soap residue going into the tank?

How are you suppose to wash your hands so whatever is on your hands doesn't go into the tank and harm your fish without the soap residue going in and harming fish?! Do they sell a soap that's safe for fish?How to wash your hands without soap residue going into the tank?
Once you've washed your hands with soap just rinse them very very well and then dry. Should be fine. I've never had a problem with my tanks and always rinse my hands very well before going on to stick my hands in a tank.How to wash your hands without soap residue going into the tank?
You can wash your hands with soap, but make sure it's not a concentrate soap or one with moisturizers in it. A plain antibacterial soap is just fine.

Make sure to rinse extremely well, even under the fingernails before putting your hands in tank.

I personally use Dial soaps and have never had a problem, however I've noticed with Ivory dish washing soap, it's so concentrated that even if it feels like you've rinsed your hand thoroughly, there is still residue.

I have no idea if there is a soap safe for fish, but once you are careful in rinsing your hands thoroughly and use plain soap, your fine.
As others have said, as long as you rinse very well, you should be fine. Alternately, I have seen rubber gloves made for working in the tank. They go all the way to the shoulder! This is an option if you are very worried about it.
dont use soap just wash them well under warm water

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