Sunday, April 25, 2010

What would you do if you had an infinite supply of apples and hand soap?

I would throw apples at innocent bystanders off a building and eat the soapWhat would you do if you had an infinite supply of apples and hand soap?
Eat the apples, and wash my hands a lot! lolWhat would you do if you had an infinite supply of apples and hand soap?
Melt down the soap.

Dry and grind the apples into a powder.

Add the powder to the soap mix.

Pour the soap into trendy molds.

Write and release a ';scientific'; study claiming apple soap cures cancer and allows you to live till you're 185 years old with perfect skin.

Get Oprah to buy in.

Get rich.

Buy lot's of apple soap so as to live till I'm 185 and enjoy my earnings.
i just hate apples... i'd give them all away
Wash all my apples then throw them away.
Do the happy dance. That stuff is expensive, when you eat an apple a day.
I would share them with the people less fortunate. Like give the apples to them so they wouldn't starve and give them soap to wash their hands with.
Feed people with the apples and give people hand soap to stay clean! :-)
eat a lot of apple and take a shower and wash my hands?
well the apples would move my bowels making me have to go poop more often so i would eat the apples and then use the soap to wash my hands, wow-zers W M, that would take forever to eat all them apples.
I would bake an apple pie and wash my hands OCD style.....I'd need some lotion though, my hands get pretty dry.....
i would ask where to get them
be very careful. i might accidently eat hand soap! lolz
keep clean and make lots of pies
sell it and earn money
Make me some pies. Wash your hands afterwards.
i would chuck them at people
i guess i would have clean apples and all my teeth and be germ free
Eat, and take a bath at the same time !
eat apples and wash my hands
Eat the apples and wash my hands frequently I guess.
Share both with Friends,Family and the needy people.
I'd lube up the apples with the hand soap and fill up a room with them and jump in. It would be like rolling around in giant ball bearings! I don't know why that sounds fun but it does.
Blow up a few of each with some firecrackers, make some pies, fill a pool with handsoap, put on some really good sealing goggles, and have some fun swimming in soap. Good exercise. HAHAHA Throw some apples into traffic from a bridge. Put some apple on railroad tracks,. and watch then get squishes. Same thing but on a highway. I's spell my name, and watch traffic tare um' up! HAHAHA fun times!
Use them.
Bake lots of pies and wash my hands.
make apple pies,serve without forks, hand soap would come in handy,or candied apples. is this a dirty question?
Wash my hands then make apple pies for money.
I would sell them on eBay or eat the apples and use lots of hand soap.
open a market stall....

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